Programme Instructions 

  • Inside this program, you will find 'sets, reps and tempo'.

    Reps refer to how many times you perform each exercise consecutively - the number of repetitions you perform.

    Sets refers to how many times you will repeat that number of repetitions.

    Tempo refers to how fast or slow you perform the exercise on the eccentric (on the way back down).

    And lastly, Rest refers to wait in between your exercise sets.

    All exercises are labeled with letters and numbers such as A1, A2, etc., which will allow you to follow the program with ease.

    Perform all 'A' exercises back to back for all reps and sets before moving on to 'B' , “C” exercises.

    Here’s a Simple way to set up your training week going forward.

    Monday -Program 1A +10K steps

    Tuesday -Program 1B +10k steps

    Wednesday- Rest Day +10k steps

    Thursday -Program 1A +10k steps

    Friday -Program 1B + 10k steps

    Saturday- 10k steps

    Sunday - 10k steps

Warm up

  • Overview:

    A 8 inward hip rotations, 8 outward hip rotations (each side)

    B Forward arm circles, 8 backward arm circles

    C 2 minutes jumping rope

    D 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise

    E 12 deep reverse lunge to knee raise

    F 15 squats with a 10-rep pulse at the end

  • A 10 x Side Lying Clam (each side)

    B 10 x Single Leg Glute Bridge with 5-second hold (each leg)

    Repeat x3 times



REPS: 4-8

TEMPO: 4-0-X-0

REST: 180 seconds

  • 1-The Set-up

    Start with the bar secure in the squat rack, level with the middle of your chest.

    Hold the bar with hands just wider than shoulder-width apart.

    Or use a pair of lifting straps if wrist flexibility/mobility is currently difficult.

    Step in close to the bar and lower into a quarter squat so the bar is level and touching the top of your chest and front of your shoulders. Without letting go of the bar, bring your elbows forwards and up as high as you can manage.

    Focus on keeping your elbows as high as possible throughout the squat – this will keep your body upright and the bar secure in the crook of your hands and resting against your chest and shoulders.

    Drive up to take the bar out of the rack.

    2-The Move

    Take one step backwards.

    Position your feet shoulder-width apart, with your toes pointing very slightly diagonally away from each other.

    Brace yourself, take a deep breath in to fill your chest and keep your torso strong, then bend your legs to lower into a squat.

    Keep your knees wide apart and heels down.

    Lower until your legs are at least parallel with the floor, then drive back up to stand.

    That’s perfect form. If you’re struggling, here are some ways to improve.

    Front Squat Form Tips

    Hand Position

    The perfect form for the front squat can be difficult due to the limited flexibility of the wrists and forearms if you're not used to it.

    If that’s you, start by warming your wrists up. Interlock your fingers and rotate your wrists in both directions for a couple of minutes. Still an issue?

    A solution is to get into the position where you're about to lift the bar out of the rack, but cross your arms and hold the bar against your shoulders. Keeping your shoulders high is still a priority here.

    You’ll probably not be able to lift as much weight so knock the weight plates down until you're comfortable.

    Or the second option is using a pair of lifting straps on the bar a per my video to complete the lift.


    As soon as you let your elbows drop, the weight will tip forwards, pushing you off-balance and signaling the end of your set.

    Fix this by focusing on pushing your elbows towards the ceiling throughout the move.

    Also, try bringing your hands closer together or further apart to find a position that lets you keep your elbows high.

  • Dumbbells front squats, Goblet squat or safety bar squats

B1 | incline Barbell Press


REPS: 8-10

TEMPO: 4-0-1-0

REST: 90 seconds

  • 1-Set up your bench at an angle of around 30-45°.

    Lie back and place your hands on the bar, slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, with your palms facing up.

    2-Lift the bar out of the rack and press it up until your arms are extended and your hands are above your shoulders.

    3-Slowly lower the bar to your chest, then press it back up again.

    4-Make sure to reduce the weight when you first try the incline bench press, compared with what you normally bench in a flat bench variation.

  • Dumbbell Variation


    Smith Machine Variation

B2 | Chin up


REPS: 8-10

TEMPO: 3-0-1-0

REST: 90 seconds

  • 1-Grab the bar with both hands, with your palms facing you, and arms shoulder-width apart.

    2-Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar. Your elbows will be fully bent here.

    3-Pause for a second or as stated by program tempo.

    4-With a controlled motion, lower yourself all the way back down, until your arms are straight.

  • Band assisted

    Weighted chin ups

    Pull ups

    Negative chin ups

    Inverted rows

C1 | trap bar deadlift-high handle


REPS: 6-8

TEMPO: 4-1-x-0

REST: 90-180 seconds

  • 1-Step into the middle of the trap bar and stand with your feet hip-width apart.

    2- Reach down and grasp the handles of the bar, then sit your hips back, lift your chest and shoulders, and raise your gaze so you’re looking in front of you.

    3-Keeping your back flat, stand up by straightening your hips and knees to lift the bar to around mid-thigh height.

    4-Squeeze your glutes at the top of the move, before lowering the bar back down with control

  • Kettlebell deadlift, straight bar deadlift, dumbbell deadlift

d1 | DUMBBELL decline chest press

SETS: 2-3

REPS: 10-12

TEMPO: 3-0-1-0

REST: 45-60 seconds

  • 1-Hold a dumbbell in each hand, shoulder-width apart and overhand /neutral grip.

    2-Lie back on a decline bench and extend your arms straight above you.

    3- Lower the weights slowly until they reach the outside of your chest, then push the dumbbells back to starting position.

    4-Repeat for give amount of reps.





SETS: 2-3

REPS: 12-15

TEMPO: 2-0-1-0

REST: 45-60 seconds

  • 1: Sit down on the bench and grab the cable row bar with your palms facing upwards (underhand/supinated grip).

    2: Keep your back straight but relax your shoulders forward, while engaging your lats.

    3: Pull the cable handle to your mid-section and try to pinch your shoulder blades together in the back.

    4: Control the weight as you let your arms back out. This completes one repetition

¨The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.¨ – Ralph Waldo Emerson

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